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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Riccardo BOCCA's new book

Off the Calabrian coast, in a more fish-filled seas of Italy before and beaches often crowded with swimmers, it would be buried in a ship loaded with radioactive waste, wrecked and turned into a deadly dump. This says the repentant criminal Francesco Fonti, who was chairman of the sinking. Start the search, the news was denied, even by high state offices. Is this is a mass hysteria, fueled by the media, just? Riccardo Bocca, first accused the charge of spreading panic unjustified, not only demonstrates that the hypothesis of the ship is uncertain, but the ships are so many. A system of concealment of illegal and “side” waste, which consists of mafias, the intelligence services of countries that want to get rid of their waste, and the Italian Government, which has such an interest not to say anything to pay sources, so stop talking. And while the area of Cetraro, Calabria has stellar values in incidences of certain cancers, who tries to ascertain the truth or is stopped for detecting the official channels. And if, as the captain Natale Di Grazia , decided to continue in spite of everything, dies in "inexplicable” circumstances.

With our Cause "Stop Disaster" We support the fight against the criminal abandonment of nuclear and toxic waste at sea. Riccardo Bocca's book is a clear sign that in Italy there are many areas where those criminal people is sunk ships containing toxic waste and nuclear materials that are contaminating the Mediterranean Sea.

To find Riccardo Bocca’s book.

To support our cause “Stop the Disaster”.

Gianfranco VECCHIO