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Saturday, August 07, 2010

As we celebrate the next Palio del Golfo of Spezia (ITA) in 2010, an important race rowing between all the villages bordering the gulf. The Maritime Historical Society, assisted by the designer and photographer Irene Taddei, promotes the iconographic exhibition "The Submarine in the Gulf" to be held at the Village of the Palio, on the "Morin" Promenade in La Spezia, from July 23 to August 2 next.

The exhibition, sponsored by the City of La Spezia and Villages Committee of the Palio of the Gulf, wants to create a chronological history of submersible vessels built in La Spezia, highlighting the characteristics of those who have had special operations. A historical journey which recognizes the city's importance in the construction of over 70 boats submarines during and before the Second World War, have been one of the world's largest submarine fleet.
An exhibition featuring the images made available by the historical archive of Muggiano of the Fincantieri Foundation, the Naval Museum of La Spezia, the Directorate of Navy of La Spezia and the Office of the Historical archive of italian Navy of Rome. And 'thanks to the contribution of the Italian Navy, through the military command's of Tyrrhenian Sea, and Fincantieri, through its foundation, it was possible to retrieve important photographic evidence and the contribution of the Municipality of La Spezia, through the video library media center "Dialma Ruggiero" which provided important evidence video, this show may bring many visitors to the village of Palio.
Substantial and decisive contribution of the "Cassa di Risparmio of La Spezia" Foundation, which through its subsidiary "Fondazione Eventi", has guaranteed support for the realization of this important initiative. Support that shows the great care taken by the Foundation in La Spezia bank support initiatives, sponsored by the city who want to help nominate the city of La Spezia as a place where history and traditions of the seafaring and diving can find a home.
A commitment that the Association "The Historical Maritime Society" promotes since 2008 with initiatives, projects and campaigns.
An invitation to all fans of the history of submarines, to relive all the great epic of vessels built in the Gulf and help to preserve the history and traditions of seafaring and diving.

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